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For Your Protection:  Our office will ask multiple questions to verify your identify before preforming any service or providing any information on your account to keep your account safe.

If you have any questions about this process, please inquire with one of our offices in person or over the phone.

Effective January 02, 2024

All rates listed are As Low As

*APR: Annual Percentage Rate

Loans APR* Term
Loans New Vehicle (2024, 2025) APR* 4.25% Term 48
Loans New Vehicle (2024, 2025) APR* 4.75% Term 60
Loans New Vehicle (2024, 2025) APR* 5.25% Term 72
Loans Used Vehicles (2022, 2023) APR* 6.25% Term 72
Loans G.A.P. Education Line of Credit APR* 9% Term 120
Loans Home Equity Line of Credit - Fixed Rate APR* 5.99% Term 180
Loans Shared Unsecure Personal APR* 9.75% Term 60
Loans Shared Secure Personal APR* 3.25% Term 60
Loans You Own It APR* 8% or 8.5% Term 60
Loans * as low as APR* Term

Lower interest rate for 48 & 60 month terms are only offered for New Vehicles with A+, A, & B scores. Rate based on credit worthiness. 

Contact Credit Union for 84 month terms on Vehicle Loans.

Home Equity Line of Credit offered (NMLS# 608240). All inquiries call one of our offices.


*APY: Annual Percentage Yield

Savings Rate APY*
Savings Regular Shares** Rate 0.25% APY* 0.25%
Savings Christmas Rate 0.35% APY* 0.35%
Savings Money Market Shares- $1,000 to $9,999.99 Rate 0.50% APY* 0.50%
Savings Money Market Shares- $10,000 to $99,999.99 Rate 0.70% APY* 0.70%
Savings Money Market Shares- $100,000.00 & up Rate 0.80% APY* 0.80%
Savings IRA Shares Rate 3.00% APY* 3.00%
Savings Share Drafts Rate 0.00% APY* 0.00%
**Dividends earned on daily balances of $50 or more
The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change every dividend period.
We may change the dividend rate for your account as determined by the credit union board of directors.

*APY: Annual Percentage Yield

Rate APY* Term
6 Month Certificate** Rate 2.00% APY* 2.00% Term 6
12 Month Certificate Rate 2.00% APY* 2.00% Term 12
18 Month Certificate Rate 2.00% APY* 2.00% Term 18
24 Month Certificate Rate 2.75% APY* 2.75% Term 24
36 Month Certificate Rate 2.75% APY* 2.75% Term 36
IRA /12 Month Certificate*** Rate 3.00% APY* 3.00% Term 12
IRA/24 Month Certificate*** Rate 3.00% APY* 3.00% Term 24
IRA/36 Month Certificate*** Rate 3.00% APY* 3.00% Term 36
**6 month certificates renew automatically unless CU is advised otherwise
***Includes Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, & Coverdell ESA
$500 minimum balance for all terms
All other terms will be deposited to shares at maturity unless CU is advised otherwise.
Penalty for early withdrawal of 6 month certificates will be the value of one month’s dividend, if earned.
Penalty for early withdrawal of 12 to 36 month certificates will be the value of one quarter’s (three months) dividend, if earned.
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